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The Sparkle Report: August

A monthly update of what’s going on in my life. Inspiration, trends, and personal picks to add a little sparkle to your life. 

If the last TSR was written on a more feisty note, this one will come from a more vulnerable place. This summer has given me some unexpected experiences, and as an aftermath, some new emotions and situations to sit with. Sometimes I think I’m too much of a drama queen…but to be fair, the list I can make of things that have actually changed compared to last summer is long, or somewhat long at least. I sometimes like to look back a year when I’m doing a comparison or trying to understand the situation better. I feel like it’s a good way to measure things because a Tuesday in December can’t be compared to a Tuesday in August, even if the circumstances were exactly the same around me. Sorry, but you can’t. Especially when you live in Sweden.

Funny how I always pick Tuesdays when I’m thinking about an ordinary day…is it a sign of my love or hate for that day? Anyways, back to the subject.

New things and change are always difficult and challenging. I’ve found these experiences to be humbling and, hmm, what’s the correct word…rewarding? Not saying they’ve all been positive experiences, but as a wise friend once told me, “You never lose - you either win or learn,” and the lessons have been rewarding. I’m trying to sum up the feeling I have in my body, and in one way, it’s like I’ve caught up with myself. I sometimes feel that my body and mind are going on two separate missions. Today, it feels like they are one. I might not agree with this sentence tomorrow, but for now, I feel somewhat caught up. And caught up in this case doesn’t equal great per se. Well, I do feel great in one sense, I feel humble and grateful for having gained more insights and understanding. But my general state of mind, for now is still, vulnerable.

Anyways, how have you been since last time? I’ve been back in Stockholm, working on myself and the million things I have going on. I started practicing Japanese again on Duolingo. Right now, I can order sushi, rice, green tea, and water in a very direct way—no follow-up questions allowed. The reason I wanted to start with Japanese again is because I’m planning to get initiated into Reiki this fall. In the spirit of a true Capricorn, I’m diving in deep before even knowing where and when this will take place. Right now, I’m going full-on student on YouTube and have started to take notes. I have a lot on my plate, so I’m not rushing this at all. But I’m excited to have started the journey. It’s been on my to-do list for a while now, and my word for this year is ‘action,’ so I’m glad the thought has turned into something tangible.

I do not own this picture, it’s made by Cristina Gonzalez and you can find her art here

Updates from the Sky

So, let’s check in with some new updates from the sky. As I mentioned before, I have a million things going on, with learning about astrology being one of them. I swear, every day I learn something new and realize how little I know and how complicated it is. To my benefit, astrology is very mathematical, so I can see the patterns and how things will eventually unfold in my head. I just need A LOT of hours deep in books and with other sources of knowledge to soak up, separate, and memorize the wisdom. Please be patient with me for a few years while I get better equipped. Until then, I’ll keep learning through writing these updates and keep them as basic as possible to ensure the facts are accurate. If you’re not interested in Astrology, skip this part!

August is an exciting month, the sun will be in Leo until the 22rd when it enters Virgo. We had a New Moon in Leo on Aug 4th. New moons are the time for planting seeds and setting intentions - what do you want to bring into your life? At the same day we had Mercury stationing retrograde and he stays there until Aug 28th. With mercurury retrograde we’re encouraged to slow it down and be prepared for mishaps and delays - anything communication, look twice and give yourself time to double check! Thing’s from the past might come up - but the only reason you should interact with it is to get closure. Not to re-visit. Your commitment to your future must be greater than your attachment to your past! Declutter and detach!

Next up is something very powerful, Lions Gate on the 8th of August. Lions gate happens when the sun is aligned with the star Siruis which you find up the the constellation called Canis Major. Sirius is known as our “spiritual sun” and in alignment with our sun many believe they create a cosmic gateway, or a portal, to heightened spiritual awareness and transformation. To make this even more expansive we have the initiating energy from the new moon in the same sign and Jupiter in a sextile to the sun, on the 7th, which is a in positive aspect that supports the powerful energy dynamic even more. If this sounds like Japanese to you let me talk English.

Do these things and you’ll get the most out of this astrological event! I know that I will.

Meditate and Reflect: Give yourself time and space to connect with your inner self. Let go of the noise from everyone else and find a quiet, neutral place. If you can, go out in nature to remove any disruptors. If that's not possible, find a quiet spot at home where you won’t be interrupted for a set period of time. You can do this before or on the 8th. Sit in silence and see what comes up. You might want to play some meditative music and light candles to create a soft, warm environment.

Embrace Creativity: Even small acts of creativity can make a difference. Whether it’s arranging your food beautifully on your plate or picking a small bouquet of flowers during your evening walk—do it! Engage in any artistic activity that resonates with you and tap into that creative energy of Leo.

Set Intentions and Manifest: There are many ways to do this, but one effective method is to act as if you already have what you want to manifest. Write about it, talk about it, and visualize it as if it’s already in your life. Focus on the feelings you would have when living that reality. To make the most out of this day, don’t just spend a moment before bed on this; embody it throughout the day, all the time! Bonus points if you can actually start doing the things you want to manifest. But if that’s not possible, no worries—you can still influence your subconscious. Get clear on your desires, write, talk, visualize, and show up as if it's already yours. If you’re writing down your manifestations. Write in present tense as if it’s already yours!

Avoid negativity: skip the news, don’t watch any silly shows, don’t listen to any melancholic music. I’ve created a playlist for us to listen to! Be very aware of what you digest this day!

Let’s use this energy to manifest positive changes and growth in our lives!

It feels like I might’ve lost you by now so I’m not going to go into detail on whats going on after August 8th. After all, I’m not an astrologer - yet. But I will mention that the Moon will be Full again the 19th on 27 degrees in Aquarius.

What’s Hot - What’s Not

Woaw, that was a lot of information to take in. Let’s get to something lighter…

Even though I might not be as fiesty today as on the last report, I’m still keeping this list. Minus what’s not. At least this time. Let’s stick to the the positivity and focus on what’s hot!

  • Dark Denim - still undecided about the big folded up part that’s trending for fall…give me few weeks and I’m probably convinced. But I liked the denim on this vest and these pants!

  • Buying fall and winter jackets on sale. If you live in the north… A cropped one or a long one?

  • Brown Mascara - I use this one (on sale with code SWEEDSOMMAR until 18/8)


Refy took customers on a brand trip! Yay or Nay? Wil this be the new thing?

Humans are so cute sometimes!

The new thing for brands and creators are to comment on their own posts! We all know that the comment section is where it’s happening so it makes sense. Have you noticed?


If you made it all the way down - thank you for spending time with me!

Slide me a DM or email me if you want to discuss any of the topics mentioned above. Wishing you all a beautiful August!

Stay Sparkly,